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Epsom Derby Style Guide: What to wear on Derby Day

Epsom Derby Style Guide

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Epsom Derby Style Guide: What to wear on Derby Day

The Epsom Derby is a great opportunity for punters to get dressed up and while spectators on the hill generally wear everyday attire, the grandstands and terraces are usually a vision of tiaras and top hats.

We take a look at the accepted standards in each area of Epsom Racecourse on Derby Day…

Grandstand Enclosure

The Grandstand is the least formal of all the official enclosures on Derby Day although all guests are encouraged to dress smartly. For the ladies, a fascinator or hat is generally the norm but this isn’t a requirement. Gentlemen are encouraged to wear a jacket but again, this is not an official requirement and a shirt and tie is more than acceptable.

No sleeveless vests or sportswear is permitted here, while jeans shouldn’t be ripped or frayed. Sports trainers are not permitted while all children should be dressed smartly.

Queen Elizabeth II Stand Enclosure

On Derby Day, all male guests are required to wear either grey or black morning dress and this should include a top hat, while full national costume or service dress is also acceptable.

Formal day wear is required for the ladies and this can include a tailored trouser suit or formal day dress with either a substantial fascinator or hat. Again, any children should be dressed smartly.


For the Duchess’s Stand or Tattenham Straight Marquee, gentleman need to wear a jacket while a collar and tie is encouraged. For ladies, a hat or fascinator is required while children should be dressed smartly.

For the Queen Elizabeth II Stand hospitality, formal dress is required. Gentlemen are required to wear full grey or black morning dress with a top hat while for ladies, formal day wear is required. This need to be worn with either a substantial fascinator or hat.